Des Moines, Iowa – November 11, 2014: No need to travel to Louisville, KY to see a large indoor farm show when the next biggest indoor show is right in your backyard in Lincoln, Nebraska.
The 8th Annual Nebraska Power Farming Show is stuffed with ag-related products and services and utilizes all the buildings at the Lancaster Event Center. The Event Center consists of five linked
buildings providing 9.2 acres (400,000 sq. ft.) of indoor displays.
“The demand for booth space was the largest ever. At show time there were over 90 companies on the waiting list. We rearranged one of the buildings to add 54 more booths but that wasn’t even close to accommodate the number of companies that want to attend,” says Tom Junge, Show Director. The show will feature approximately 900 companies and 2304 booths.
Due to limited space, show management focuses on having only ag-related displays and seeks out top quality exhibitors. “This year we wanted to look at the latest electronics/precision ag technology and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” says Junge. The show will have 4 to 5 companies displaying either the copter or airplane type UAVs. Attendees will find many new electronics and apps that will add convenience and provide more information to producers. The show also emphasizes equipment displays. “Farmers and ranchers don’t want to come to a show to look at literature. They want to kick tires,” states Junge.
The timing of the show is what makes it so popular. Farmers and ranchers come from across the region to take advantage of enticing year-end buying specials. Just as they come to buy, the exhibiting companies are looking to sell. Junge says, “It creates a real exciting atmosphere for both sides.”
Show hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday. Admission and parking are FREE. Attendees are encouraged at the show entrances to sign-up for the show newsletter and for the chance to win $1000 worth of seed corn or soybeans given away each day by show sponsor Stine Seed.
The show is produced by the Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association in conjunction with local Nebraska and Iowa farm equipment dealers. This year the show is sponsored by Farm Credit Services of America, Bayer CropScience, Stewart-Peterson Group, Stine Seed,, KRVN/KTIC Radio and Midwest Messenger.