Des Moines, Iowa – November 25, 2014: Farmers and ranchers attend trade shows for various reasons, however, the most common are to see the latest in products and services in their industry and to take advantage of show specials.
Attendees have learned that many exhibitors will offer discounts if purchases are made at the event. Most of the time these discounts are unknown until the attendee visits the booth. That is not the case with the Nebraska Power Farming Show.
“We noticed after the first year of the show, that there was more purchasing going on here than many other farm shows. So we decided to enhance this experience and let exhibitors communicate their show specials before attendees arrive so they can be better prepared to buy. We can save the customer a trip to the show. In the past they found the deals on one day and had to come back the next day to actually make the purchase,” says Tom Junge, Show Director. “As far as we know, communicating show specials before the show is unique for farm shows.”
This year, nearly 80 exhibitors submitted their show specials. Many other exhibitors have specials, but didn’t want to disclose their show specials in advance for competitive reasons. Some of these specials can save farmers and ranchers hundreds and even thousands of dollars.
Farmers and ranchers can save by ordering their crop inputs at the show. There are discounts for ordering seed, fertilizer, chemicals and micro-nutrients. Looking for livestock equipment, buildings, grain bins, planting or application equipment, shop equipment/tools or anything else for your farm or ranch? You will find it at the Nebraska Power Farming Show. A complete list of specials is included in the show program.
Junge said, “We even see equipment companies offering discounts. One is offering a 10% discount on select sprayers and another has a $1,000 rebate on a tile plow. There are some that are discounting their display units such as a tillage company offering a 10% discount, while another is taking $3,000 off their display unit. It’s a win-win situation – the customer gets a deal and the exhibitor makes a sale.”