Des Moines, Iowa – November 7, 2016: The power of insight will be in full force at the 10th Annual Nebraska Power Farming Show, presented by AgDirect and Farm Credit Services of America. Fourteen educational seminars will take place over all three days of the show. Sharing their wisdom will be agriculture and financial experts from organizations such as the University of Nebraska Lincoln Extension and the Nebraska Farm Bureau.
“Growers come to the Nebraska Power Farming Show to learn. Sure, they want to see big iron and revolutionary precision ag products, which of course they will. But they’ll also have several opportunities to attend educational seminars and gain insight into how to make better financial, agronomic and equipment decisions for their farms,” says show director, Tom Junge.
It all starts Tuesday, December 6th, with the seminars “Where is the Cattle Industry Headed?,” “Managing Resistant Weeds in Soybean Fields,” “Climate Outlook: What will be the likely impacts of agriculture over the next year if the weak la Nina event currently forecasted materializes this winter?,” “Saving the Family Farm: Farm Succession Planning, Estate Planning, Investments & Insurance,” and “Economic Opportunities with Alternative Crops.”
Sessions scheduled for Wednesday, December 7th, include “Trends in Farmland Values & Rental Rates,” “Unique Challenges Facing Farmers when it Comes to Estate Planning and Business Succession,” “Economic Opportunities with Alternative Crops,” “Current Farm Related Issues,” and “Selecting and Managing Cover Crops.”
Sessions conclude Thursday, December 8th, with “Selecting and Managing Cover Crops,” “Making the Consumer Connection: Strong Agriculture, Strong Nebraska,” “Climate Outlook: What will be the likely impacts of agriculture over the next year if the weak la Nina event currently forecasted materializes this winter?,” and “Saving the Family Farm: Farm Succession Planning, Estate Planning, Investments & Insurance.”
Show hours are 9 am to 5 pm Tuesday and Wednesday, and 9 am to 3 pm Thursday. Admission and parking are FREE. Nebraska Farm Bureau members are encouraged to stop by the Nebraska Farm Bureau booth (#2210) on Wednesday for a FREE Farm Bureau cup (with FREE refills) and leather work gloves (while supplies last). For more show information, visit
The Nebraska Power Farming Show is produced by the Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association in conjunction with local Nebraska and Iowa farm equipment dealers. Diamond Sponsor presented by AgDirect and Farm Credit Services of America; Platinum Sponsors – Bayer CropScience and Nebraska Farm Bureau; Gold Sponsors – Machinery Pete and Stine Seed; and Media Sponsors: Midwest Messenger and Rural Radio Network.