The second largest indoor U.S. farm show, presented by Farm Credit Services of America and AgDirect, will be held December 5-7 in Lincoln, Nebraska. Spread across 9.2 acres, the 11th annual Nebraska Power Farming Show is loaded with big iron, precision ag, aerial imaging, livestock production, inputs, data management and more.
More than 760 companies will be exhibiting at the Nebraska Power Farming Show – several new to this year’s show. Here’s a look at a few international companies exhibiting in Nebraska for the first time…
Italian manufacturer SEPPI M. [Pavilion 4 – #4528] assembles a wide range of products for professional agriculture, landscape maintenance and forestry, including flail mowers and rotary mowers, large width shredders for open field agriculture, and forest mulchers for tractors, excavators and specialized prime mowers that can mulch brush and trees up to big diameters. SEPPI M.’s fixed knife technology also enables its machines to crush stones and till soil in depth, while shredding almost anything that comes in between.
Maya America [Pavilion 2 – #2402] corn heads leave more corn in the tank, thanks to its unique down-corn option with a central gathering chain. Maya’s blades are actually serrated knives with carbide coated edges, providing more aggressive chopping capabilities. Manufactured in Spain, Maya America can ship and deliver corn heads, attachments and spare parts anywhere in the United States and Canada, with parts stored locally at warehouses in Emmetsburg, Iowa and Waco, Nebraska.
Austria manufacturer APV America [Pavilion 3 – #3111] provides modern agricultural technology and innovation for modern farmers. The company manufactures a wide variety of agricultural implements for cultivation and cover crop application, including pneumatic seeders, disc spreaders, grassland harrows and machine carriers. An extensive network of APV contract partners, including APV America in Colorado, help ensure the highest degree of service for its customers around the world.
Visit for a complete exhibitor list. Show hours are 9 am to 5 pm Tuesday and Wednesday, and 9 am to 3 pm Thursday. Admission and parking at the Lancaster Event Center are FREE.
The Nebraska Power Farming Show is produced by the Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association in conjunction with local Nebraska and Iowa farm equipment dealerships. Diamond Sponsor presented by Farm Credit Services of America and AgDirect; Platinum Sponsors – Bayer CropScience and Nebraska Farm Bureau; Gold Sponsors – Mitas and Stine Seed Company; Silver Sponsors – Machinery Pete and Stewart-Peterson; and Media Sponsors – Midwest Messenger and Rural Radio Network.